There’s Never a “Right” Time

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the saying - here’s why it applies perfectly when it comes to health and fitness too.

So many people wait for the “right time” - but what does this refer to?
Quite often, it’s hoping for a period of time when all the cards in life have fallen in place.
Our job is secured, our relationship is plain sailing, we have no stress.
The truth is, when was the last time when you met someone with their life completely on track?

The unpredictability of life is.. what makes it life!

Listen, we all have to face a degree of hardship on a day to day basis. What this hardship may present itself as will differ between you and I.
What you will often find is that when one hardship is won, another one appears!
Long story short:


Learning to work with life’s troubles.
Learning to stay disciplined through times of hardship.
THAT is what will lead to health and fitness being an anchoring element in your life.
Knowing that whatever happens, you have those 2 hour gym sessions that are dedicated as ‘me’ time.
Time that no-one else has access to or gains any benefit from - apart from you.

I had a thought the other day that really resonated with me.
So often our jobs (or studying if you’re a student) take up all our time and energy. So much so that the only dedicated ‘me’ time is sprawled out on the sofa, absolutely drained.
When was the last time you did something completely energised, for yourself?

We live in such a work focussed society that by the time we’re finished with work we have no energy left for ourselves.
And do we truly feel satisfaction from work (or studying)?
It’s well known that the dopamine reward circuitry in our brain hinges on the need for hard work being followed by a reward of similar magnitude (hence why the flip side of short term gratification is also detrimental!)
I know for a fact that being overworked and working 12 hour shifts in the NHS without a toilet break does NOT provide me with satisfaction (patient’s and being able to help them - that for sure does, but on the balance of working conditions I am definitely more stressed than happy)

This is why working out is so beneficial.

The hard work is immediately followed by reward: short term neurotransmitter release which boosts mood such as endorphins PLUS the longer term rewards associated with improved physique, better confidence and overall satisfaction.

So if you can do that gym session today.
If you can begin eating cleaner today.
Do it today!
Your future self will NEVER regret taking positive action for your own self.

Kobe Bryant:

"Those times when you stay up late and you work hard; those times when don’t feel like working — you’re too tired, you don’t want to push yourself — but you do it anyway.
That is actually the dream.
That’s the dream. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. And if you guys can understand that, what you’ll see happen is that you won’t accomplish your dreams, your dreams won’t come true, something greater will."


The biggest barrier to success


Discipline > Motivation