The biggest barrier to success

If I were to ask this question to a room of people I imagine I would receive various different answers.

  • Money

  • Natural talent

  • Circumstances and situations we find ourselves in

and the list would go on and on.

For me the answer is quite simple:
Our own self talk.

The words we tell ourselves on a day to day basis contain such power, much of which people underestimate.
It’s quite ironic that our biggest supporter, yet our biggest critic, can be ourself.
We’ve all been in a similar situation where we have to believe in ourselves. This might be for important exams, interviews, difficult situations with other people - and if you don’t back yourself in crucial moments like this, the outcome is likely rather poor.

See, confidence resonates with others.
And more importantly - it resonates with yourself.
Once you ride the high of confidence - everything seems just that little bit easier and do-able.
But once you start second guessing yourself, everything starts going wrong.

A perfect example from work for me comes from taking bloods or cannulating patients.
Once I miss a few attempts it's “damn - not feeling too confident for this one” and inevitably I end up missing.
On the flip-side, when I ride the streak of perfect attempts, I approach each patient with such confidence and a “I know I’m going to do this’ attitude. Even if multiple people have tried and failed before.

Something I have done for a while now to make sure I get things done:

Tell that little voice in your head that stops you from working to reach your goals to SHUT UP.

I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous but sometimes, treating this lazy alter ego of yours as another person can do wonders.
If I find myself putting off gym for a few hours, you best believe my neighbours can hear someone shouting:

“Shut UP Sunny and get yo’ ass to the gym right NOW!!”

Yes - I do speak to myself.
And I speak purpose and discipline into my life as a result.

Children who think they are dumb will limit their potential immensely.
A child who believes everything is possible with hard work and dedication will be absolutely inspired.

When did we start suppressing this inspired child inside of us and used life’s troubles and risks as a limit for our true potential?
Limitations in health and fitness are largely self imposed.
Because absolutely everyone can make time to gym and eat healthy.
I’ve experienced this as a student spending 12 hours in a library.
I’ve experienced this as a doctor spending 12 hours a day in hospital.

It’s all about priorities and what you tell yourself.
And if your health is a priority to you, your daily routine should reflect that.

Denzel Washington

“Without commitment, you'll never start. But more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish.”


Gym Routine for Beginners


There’s Never a “Right” Time